Breast Implantation / Augmentation also known as augmentation mammoplasty or boob job is surgery to increase breast size. It involves placing breast implants under breast tissue or chest muscles. A breast implant is a prosthesis used to change the size, shape and contour of a woman’s breast. In reconstructive plastic surgery, breast implants can be placed to restore a natural looking breast mound for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction patients or to correct congenital defects and deformities of the chest wall. For some women, breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident. For others, it’s part of rebuilding the breast for various conditions. They are also used cosmetically to enhance or enlarge the appearance of the breast through breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation can change the size and shape of your breasts. The surgery might improve your body image and self-esteem. But keep your expectations realistic, and don’t expect perfection. Also, your breasts will continue to age after augmentation. Weight gain or weight loss might change the way your breasts look, too. If you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you might need more surgery to correct these issues. We at DERMESTHETIC at Sialkot & Lahore, Pakistan have experienced plastic surgeons/dermatologists and cosmetologists conducting these procedures/surgeries.


There are three general types of breast implant devices, defined by their filler material: (i) saline solution (ii) silicone gel, and (iii) composite filler. The saline implant has silicone shell filled with sterile saline solution, some are pre-filled and others are filled during the implant operation during surgery; the silicone implant has an elastomer silicone shell pre-filled with viscous silicone gel; and the alternative composition implants featured miscellaneous fillers, such as soy oil, polypropylene string, etc. Composite implants are typically not recommended for use anymore and, in fact, their use is banned in the United States and Europe due to associated health risks and complications.

But there are two types of breast implants commonly used for mammoplasty, breast reconstruction, and breast augmentation procedures.

  1. saline implant filled with sterile saline solution.
  2. silicone implant filled with viscous silicone gel.


For an expert opinion and consultation, you have to visit DERMESTHETIC at Sialkot & Lahore, Pakistan and will consult with a Cosmetologist preferably a plastic surgeon about your preferences for size, feel and appearance of your breasts. The Consultant will describe specific types of implants viz smooth or textured, round or shaped like a teardrop, saline or silicone as well as options for surgical techniques. You might need a baseline mammogram before your surgery. Your doctor might adjust certain medications before the surgery as well. For example, it’s important to avoid aspirin or other medications that can increase bleeding. If you smoke, your surgeon will ask you to stop smoking for a time before the surgery.

Before you decide to have surgery, consider the following:

  • Breast implants won’t prevent your breasts from sagging.To correct sagging breasts, you might need a breast lift in addition to breast augmentation.
  • Breast implants aren’t guaranteed to last a lifetime.The average life span of an implant is 10 years. Implant rupture is a possibility. Also, your breasts will continue to age, and factors such as weight gain or weight loss might change the way your breasts look. These issues will likely lead to more surgery.
  • Mammograms might be more complicated.If you have breast implants, in addition to routine mammograms, you’ll require additional, specialized views.
  • Breast implants might hamper breast-feeding.Some women are able to successfully breast-feed after breast augmentation. For others, however, breast feeding is a challenge.
  • You might need additional surgery after breast implant removal.If you decide to have your implants removed, you might need a breast lift or other corrective surgery to help restore your breasts’ appearance.
  • You might need an MRI scan.The DERMESTHETIC recommends routine monitoring with MRI after every three years.

Breast augmentation can be done in a surgical center or hospital outpatient facility. You’ll probably go home the same day. The procedure rarely requires a hospital stay. Sometimes, breast augmentation is done during local anesthesia, you’re awake and your breast area is numbed. Often, though, breast augmentation is done during general anesthesia, in which you’re asleep for the surgery. As an abundant precaution arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night.


Four surgical approaches to emplacing a breast implant to the implant pocket are described in anatomical relation to the pectoralis major muscle.

  1. Sub-glandular: the breast implant is emplaced to the retro mammary space, between the breast tissue (the mammary gland) and the pectoralis major muscle (major muscle of the chest), which most approximates the plane of normal breast tissue, and affords the most aesthetic results. In women with thin pectoral soft-tissue, the sub-glandular position is likelier to show the ripples and wrinkles of the underlying implant.
  2. Sub-fascial: the breast implant is emplaced beneath the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle; the sub-fascial position is a variant of the sub-glandular position for the breast implant. The technical advantages of the sub-fascial implant-pocket technique reported that the layer of fascial tissue provides greater implant coverage and better sustains its position.
  3. Sub-pectoral (dual plane): the breast implant is emplaced beneath the pectoralis major muscle, after the surgeon releases the inferior muscular attachments, with or without partial dissection of the sub-glandular plane. Resultantly, the upper pole of the implant is partially beneath the pectoralis major muscle, while the lower pole of the implant is in the sub-glandular plane. This implantation technique achieves maximal coverage of the upper pole of the implant, whilst allowing the expansion of the implant’s lower pole. the movement of the implants in the sub-pectoral plane can be excessive for some patients.

Sub-muscular: the breast implant is emplaced beneath the pectoralis major muscle, without releasing the inferior origin of the muscle proper. Total muscular coverage of the implant can be achieved by releasing the lateral muscles of the chest wall either the serratus muscle or the pectoralis minor muscle, or both and suturing it, or them, to the pectoralis major muscle. In breast reconstruction surgery, the sub-muscular implantation approach effects maximal coverage of the breast implants. This technique is rarely used in cosmetic surgery due to high risk of animation deformities.


Breast implant emplacement is performed with five (5) types of surgical incisions:

  1. Inframammary (IMF): an incision made to the inframammary fold (natural crease under your breast), which affords maximal access for precise dissection of the tissues and emplacement of the breast implants. It is the preferred surgical technique for emplacing silicone-gel implants, because it better exposes the breast tissue–pectoralis muscle interface; yet, IMF implantation can produce thicker, slightly more visible surgical scars.
  2. Periareolar: a border-line incision along the periphery of the areola, which provides an optimal approach when adjustments to the Inframammary (IMF) position are required, or when a mastopexy (breast lift) is included to the primary mammoplasty procedure. In peri-areolar emplacement, the incision is around the medial-half (inferior half) of the areola’s circumference. Silicone gel implants can be difficult to emplace via periareolar incision because of the short incision. Aesthetically, because the scars are at the areola’s border (periphery), they usually are less visible than the IMF incision scars of women with light-pigment areolae. When compared to cutaneous-incision scars, the modified epithelia of the areolae are less prone to (raised) hypertrophic scars.
  3. Transaxillary: an incision made to the axilla (armpit), from which the dissection tunnels medially, to emplace the implants either bluntly or with an endoscope without producing visible scars on the proper breast. It is likelier to produce inferior asymmetry of the implant-device position. Therefore, surgical revision of transaxillary emplaced breast implants usually requires either an IMF incision or a periareolar incision.
  4. Transumbilical: a Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA) is a less common implant device emplacement technique wherein the incision is at the umbilicus (navel) and the dissection tunnels superiorly, up towards the bust. The TUBA approach allows emplacing the breast implants without producing visible scars upon the breast proper; but makes appropriate dissection and device emplacement more technically difficult. TUBA procedure is performed bluntly without the endoscope’s visual assistance and is not appropriate for emplacing (pre-filled) silicone-gel implants because of the great potential for damaging the elastomer silicone shell of the breast implant during its manual insertion through the short (~2.0 cm) incision at the navel and because pre-filled silicone gel implants are incompressible, and cannot be inserted through so small an incision.

Transabdominal: as in the TUBA procedure, in the transabdominoplasty breast augmentation (TABA), the breast implants are tunneled superiorly from the abdominal incision into bluntly dissected implant pockets, whilst the patient simultaneously undergoes an abdominoplasty.

Breast Lift / Reconstruction

Mastopexy, normally referred to as a breast lift without implants, restores shape and volume that may have been lost due to age, weight loss, or nursing. With most breast lifts, the nipple and areola are shifted to a higher position in order to create a natural look. If you are looking for breast lift in Lahore and want to get more information and consultation, please call at DERMESTHETIC on +92 334 444 7284.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a desire breast size in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts. We at DERMESTHETIC at Sialkot & Lahore, Pakistan have experienced surgeons/dermatologists and cosmetologists conducting these procedures/surgeries.

Side Effects

Breast augmentation poses various risks, including, (i) scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture); (ii) Breast pain; (iii) Infection; (iv) Changes in nipple and breast sensation (iv) Implant leakage or rupture. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified a possible association between breast implants and the development of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), a rare cancer of the immune system.

The surgical emplacement of breast implant devices, either for breast reconstruction or for aesthetic purpose, presents the same health risks common to surgery, such as adverse reaction to anesthesia, hematoma (post-operative bleeding), late hematoma (post-operative bleeding after 6 months or more), seroma (fluid accumulation), incision-site breakdown (wound infection). Other Complications specific to breast augmentation include breast pain, altered sensation, impeded breast-feeding function, visible wrinkling, asymmetry, thinning of the breast tissue, and symmastia, the bread loafing of the bust that interrupts the natural plane between the breasts.